La scorsa settimana Perugia è stata sede di una serie di incontri sull'Etiopia, alcuni molti belli, altri meno. L'intervento che più mi ha sorpreso è stato quello di un dottore Rastafari di cui non ricordo il nome (anche perchè era un intricato incrocio tra nomi italiani e etiopi) che è intervenuto a sostegno delle radici cristiane dell'Etiopia. Ora, anche sorvolando sul fatto che le sue tesi si basavano solamente su testi religiosi come la bibbia ed i vangeli, senza nessun riferimento a fonti storiografiche neutre (elleniche, romane, egiziane, africane) il punto è: che bisogno c'era? E' così necessaria la salvezza di queste presunte radici cristiane dell'Etiopia? E deve essere un rastafari italiano a ergersi a paladino di tutto ciò? Perchè continuiamo a distinguere le Nazioni in base alle religioni, invece di avviarci verso società laiche multiculturali e multireligiose? Quando le religioni torneranno ad appartenere alla dimensione intima e personale dei cittadini e non saranno più affari di Stato?
E si badi bene è un discorso che riguarda profondamente anche l'Italia, in cui all'integrazione si oppone un monolitismo culturale e religioso che vorrebbe rinnegare la storia e la geografia stessa del Belpaese, per secoli centro del mondo occidentale e non solo, istmo a cui tutti aspiravano e che tutti era in grado di accogliere con ospitalità e curiosità, uscendone sempre profondamente arricchita. Speriamo sia solo un male passeggero...
E si badi bene è un discorso che riguarda profondamente anche l'Italia, in cui all'integrazione si oppone un monolitismo culturale e religioso che vorrebbe rinnegare la storia e la geografia stessa del Belpaese, per secoli centro del mondo occidentale e non solo, istmo a cui tutti aspiravano e che tutti era in grado di accogliere con ospitalità e curiosità, uscendone sempre profondamente arricchita. Speriamo sia solo un male passeggero...
Finding the world in the smallness of a grain of sand
And holding infinities in the palm of your hand
And Heaven's realms in the seedlings of this tiny flower
And eternities in the space of a single hour
Send your love into the future
Send your love into the distant dawn
Inside your mind is a relay station
A mission probe into the unknowing
We send a seed to a distant future
Then we can watch the galaxies growing
This ain't no time for doubting your power
This ain't no time for hiding your care
You're climbing down from an ivory tower
You've got a stake in the world we ought to share
You see the stars are moving so slowly
But still the earth is moving so fast
Can't you see the moon is so lonely
She's still trapped in the pain of the past
This is the time of the worlds colliding
This is the time of kingdoms falling
This is the time of the worlds dividing
Time to heed your call
Send your love into the future
Send your precious love into some distant time
And fix that wounded planet with the love of your healing
Send your love
Send your love
There's no religion but sex and music
There's no religion but sound and dancing
There's no religion but line and color
There's no religion but sacred trance
There's no religion but the endless ocean
There's no religion but the moon and stars
There's no religion but time and motion
There's no religion, just tribal scars
Throw a pebble in and watch the ocean
See the ripples vanish in the distance
It's just the same with all the emotions
It's just the same in every instance
There's no religion but the joys of rhythm
There's no religion but the rites of Spring
There's no religion in the path of hate
Ain't no prayer but the one I sing
Send your love into the future
Send your precious love into some distant time
And fix that wounded planet with the love of your healing
Send your love
Send your love
There's no religion but sex and music
There's no religion that's right or winning
There's no religion in the path of hatred
Ain't no prayer but the one I'm singing
Send your love
Send your love
And holding infinities in the palm of your hand
And Heaven's realms in the seedlings of this tiny flower
And eternities in the space of a single hour
Send your love into the future
Send your love into the distant dawn
Inside your mind is a relay station
A mission probe into the unknowing
We send a seed to a distant future
Then we can watch the galaxies growing
This ain't no time for doubting your power
This ain't no time for hiding your care
You're climbing down from an ivory tower
You've got a stake in the world we ought to share
You see the stars are moving so slowly
But still the earth is moving so fast
Can't you see the moon is so lonely
She's still trapped in the pain of the past
This is the time of the worlds colliding
This is the time of kingdoms falling
This is the time of the worlds dividing
Time to heed your call
Send your love into the future
Send your precious love into some distant time
And fix that wounded planet with the love of your healing
Send your love
Send your love
There's no religion but sex and music
There's no religion but sound and dancing
There's no religion but line and color
There's no religion but sacred trance
There's no religion but the endless ocean
There's no religion but the moon and stars
There's no religion but time and motion
There's no religion, just tribal scars
Throw a pebble in and watch the ocean
See the ripples vanish in the distance
It's just the same with all the emotions
It's just the same in every instance
There's no religion but the joys of rhythm
There's no religion but the rites of Spring
There's no religion in the path of hate
Ain't no prayer but the one I sing
Send your love into the future
Send your precious love into some distant time
And fix that wounded planet with the love of your healing
Send your love
Send your love
There's no religion but sex and music
There's no religion that's right or winning
There's no religion in the path of hatred
Ain't no prayer but the one I'm singing
Send your love
Send your love
Sting - Send your love
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